
Power your automation with AI

Combine the magic of AI with the power of Zapier to accelerate the work that matters most.

Automation made easier with AI

Streamline your workflow in minutes. Simply describe what you'd like to automate, and our AI tools will create the steps, write the code, and build your Zaps for you. Try the two beta AI features available now and sign up to get notified as new tools become available.

Get access to AI beta features →
Create an automation that uses Slack and Google Sheets

Create a Zap using plain English

Automate your workflows faster by using natural language. Describe what you want to automate, and we'll draft a Zap that you can easily customize. Learn how to build Zaps with AI.

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Review your code snippet for your action, and add it to your step

Turn a sentence into code

Customize your workflows without writing any code. Just describe what you'd like to do, and we'll generate custom code to power your workflows. Discover how Code with AI can work for you.

Review your code snippet for your action, and add it to your step

Create a custom Chatbot with Zapier Interfaces

Zapier Interfaces (beta) gives you the ability to build forms, web pages, and basic apps that can also pull in the power of OpenAI's GPT via a chatbot component.

power of AI abstract

Realize the potential of AI with Zapier

Zapier CEO Wade Foster shares how Zapier can help you put AI to work. Discover how to turn discussions into action with Zapier's ChatGPT plugin, give your model an automation layer, use natural language inside Zapier, and more.

Read the letter

Power up your favorite apps with AI

Bring AI to the apps you use daily—like Slack, Notion, HubSpot, and Webflow—all through Zapier. Explore Zapier's 30+ AI app partners and connect them with our ecosystem of over 5,000+ apps to power your business-critical processes.

Zapier ChatGPT Plugin

Now you can automate tasks directly within ChatGPT's interface. Ask ChatGPT to execute any of Zapier's 30,000 actions.

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OpenAI in Zapier

Use AI actions in your automations with the OpenAI integration. Get access to Completions, Moderations, and DALL·E endpoints from OpenAI.

Try it for free

Natural Language Actions API

Put Zapier's 30K+ app actions inside your product and use simple natural language to move info between apps.


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Open AI


Put AI to work using Zapier

By leveraging AI, businesses innovate, build, and deliver more customer impact, faster. Here's how forward-thinking teams use AI in their Zaps to transform their workflows.

email sent

How to use OpenAI's GPT-3 to write business emails

Draft a friendly but business-appropriate email at the drop of a hat. Here's how to create Zaps that use GPT-3 to write email responses for you.

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Create meting summaries with AI

How to create meeting summaries with AI

Stop chasing down the person taking notes. Use OpenAI's GPT-3 to summarize meetings from your meeting recording or notes and send them to your team's chat app.

Ai digital assistant

Create an AI digital assistant with Zapier

Kill the admin work and take control of your day. Here's how to create your own AI digital assistant using Zapier and AI.

The latest in Zapier + AI

12 apps that will revolutionize the way you work

To help you on your AI journey, we've rounded up some of the top AI apps available on Zapier.

How Zapier's GTM leaders are using AI

Learn how a panel of Zapier's go-to-market leaders leverage AI and Zapier across marketing, sales, customer success, support, and revenue operations.

Learn more about using AI in Zapier

Discover the AI-powered apps available in Zapier and learn how to use them.

Learn more

Automate more with AI

Get access to AI beta features

All Zapier AI features are subject to the AI Supplementary Terms. By opting in, you agree to these terms and our Privacy Policy.